Main Street Middletown, MD Inc.


Main Street Middletown promotes our local artists, crafters, and producers in our historic downtown in Frederick County.

Our Maryland-made products include:

Foods - bakeries, restaurants with farm-to-table dishes, locally sourced items on the menus, coffee, ice cream, wineries, and a distillery.

Clothing - customed designed hats, tshirts, and athletic gear. Cowboy hats that are customized on site, and more.


Home goods, such as candles, pillows, stationary, small art works

We are affiliated with:

Main Street Maryland Program, Middletown Main Street

We sell in/on:
Maryland Main Street, Maryland Farmers Markets, Festivals or Fairs
19 West Main Street , Main Street Middletown, MD Inc., Main Street Middletown, MD Inc., Middletown, Maryland 21769